Windsor·Pinto on Food

Windsor Filipino restaurant drawing Americans from across the midwest

Located right near the Windsor-Detroit Tunnel, Tropical Hut Philippine Cuisine has become a popular destination for Filipino-Americans from Metro Detroit and beyond.

Windsor Morning's Jonathan Pinto drops by Tropical Hut Philippine Cuisine on Goyeau Street

Making DaSiLog, a Filipino-style breakfast at Tropical Hut Philippine Cuisine

8 years ago
Duration 2:14
Tropical Hut Philippine Cuisine owner Leny Inting prepares DaSiLog, a popular Filipino-style breakfast at her restaurant in Windsor, Ont.

​Leny Inting may have trained as a nurse, but cooking is her true passion.

She's the force behind Tropical Hut Philippine Cuisine, a restaurant serving Filipino classics, like chicken adobo (cooked with vinegar, soy sauce and spices), pancit (rice noodles), and lumpia (similar to a spring roll.)

Leny and her staff also serve a number of classic Filipino-style breakfasts, which is what attracted me in the first place.

DaSiLog is a classic Filipino-style breakfast, consisting of fried, marinated milkfish, garlic rice, fried eggs and pickled papaya. (Jonathan Pinto/CBC)

Originally take-out only, Tropical Hut re-opened in 2013 as a sit-down restaurant on Goyeau Street, just south of Wyandotte, near the Windsor-Detroit Tunnel.

The decision to open the restaurant beside a major border crossing turned out to be a prescient one. According to Inting, the majority of her customers are Filipino-Americans, coming from Metro Detroit, Ohio and Chicago.

American visitors are a regular feature on Tropical Hut's Facebook page. (Tropical Hut Philippine Cuisine/Facebook)

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Tropical Hut Philippine Cuisine is located at 619 Goyeau St. in Windsor. (Jonathan Pinto/CBC)


Jonathan Pinto is the host of Up North, CBC Radio One's regional afternoon show for Northern Ontario and is based in Sudbury. He was formerly a reporter/editor and an associate producer at CBC Windsor & CBC Toronto. Email