Here's what Windsor asked Kathleen Wynne during her town hall
Residents asked questions on topics including affordability, water security and health care

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne was challenged by questions on topics ranging from marijuana sales to mental health supports from a crowd of more than 100 during a town hall in Windsor Thursday.
The premier hosted the event at the St. Clair College Centre for the Arts and spoke with attendees for an hour and a half.
Affordability, water security and the wellbeing of wildlife along Matchette Road were covered, along with healthcare coverage and support for the LGBTQ community.
Check out CBC Windsor's live blog from the town hall:
Questions begin before event
It’s starting the fill up here at the <a href="">@StClairCollege</a> Centre for the Arts. <a href="">@Kathleen_Wynne</a> will be centre stage starting at 7 pm. Follow along with <a href="">@ChrisEnsingCBC</a> and I for updates from the town hall. <a href=""></a>
Josh Lowe, 20, is here to ask <a href="">@Kathleen_Wynne</a> what the gov’t is going to do about the repercussions of the min wage hike. <a href=""></a>
Mariette Kalinga is a social work student and wants to know what <a href="">@Kathleen_Wynne</a> is going to do for newcomers to Canada. <a href=""></a>
Lakeshore warden Tom Bain is here to talk with <a href="">@Kathleen_Wynne</a> about the Highway 3 bypass. He says it’s a “dangerous situation.” <a href=""></a>
Audience asks premier for answers
The premier is here. <a href=""></a>
First question for <a href="">@Kathleen_Wynne</a> is about amalgamation. The second is about the sale of Hydro One. <a href=""></a>
First Q: Amalgamation. <br><br>W: "Those conversations have to happen at the local level... we need to have provincial and municipal governments working together."<br><br>Says there needs to be a clear consensus before province gets involved. <a href=""></a>
Next Q: Hydro One <br><br>W: "The more than 40 percent that is still owned by Ontarians is preforming better,"<br><br>Says it's a better run company. Says it's allowed for investment in infrastructure that's "fuelling the economic growth" of the province.
Next Q: Transgender healthcare <br><br>W: "We have expanded coverage and recognize that healthcare coverage has to evolve," she says. <br><br>"As a society if we're going to have a fair and just society we need to make sure people get the supports they need."
Concerns about water wells
Q: Will you call a health hazard investigation into the water well quality in Chatham-Kent <br><br>Wynne essentially says testing has been done that shows it's safe to drink, and she invites the community to send tests if they have info that contrasts the ministry. <a href=""></a>
Here's the start of the discussion about well water quality between Premier Wynne and Well Water First spokesperson Kevin Jakubec. <br><br>A family brought a sample of water that shows discolouration from today. <br><br>Here's background:<a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>
Health care worries in Windsor-Essex
Wynne is asked a second question about Passport funding. <br><br>She says families "are in crisis with no where to turn."<br><br>Here's background <a href=""></a><br><br>Wynne says "Yes, more needs to be done."
Wynne on Windsor's Mega-Hospital:<br><br>"My understanding is that there haven't been final decisions made in terms of the exact location," Wynne tells the crowd. <br><br>Here's more of what she has to say, and background. <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>
.<a href="">@Kathleen_Wynne</a> takes a question from <a href="">@WindsorCAMPP</a> about the mega-hospital and says her understanding is the site hasn’t been finalized yet. <a href=""></a>
Hwy 3 and a rush to the end
Wynne takes a question about support for First Nations. She stresses education to confront the legacy of residential schools. <a href=""></a>
.<a href="">@Kathleen_Wynne</a> addresses why she changed her town hall venue from the Caboto Club, which has an all-male board. Mixed reaction from the crowd. Some cheers, some calls of “What about tradition?” <a href=""></a>
Tom Bain asks <a href="">@Kathleen_Wynne</a> about the Hwy 3 bypass. Calls it a dangerous situation that needs to be fixed. Premier promises a meeting with <a href="">@Kathryn_McGarry</a>. <a href=""></a>
Wynne gets 3 Q in a row:<br><br>Teen asks how he can afford to have a family as taxes increase.<br><br>A resident asks for a commitment to open debate about mega hospital location.<br><br>A speech met with applause about need for more local mental health services.<br><br>Moderator motions her to hurry. <a href=""></a>
That’s it. <a href="">@Kathleen_Wynne</a> was mobbed all the way to the door. <a href=""></a>