Rezoning application for Kingsville greenhouse to grow pot denied
Coppola Farms Inc. is one of six greenhouses whose rezoning applications were in front of council Tuesday
The rezoning application for a medical marijuana greenhouse within 200 metres of an athletic complex in Kingsville has been denied by town council.
If rezoned, the Coppola Farms Inc., would have been allowed to apply to become a licensed producer of cannabis.
Cannabis talk packs <a href="">@KingsvilleOnt</a> council chambers tonight. <br><br>6 re-zoning applications on the table for medical marijuana greenhouses. <br><br>The audience is wondering how close is too close to parks, houses. <br><br>It. Is. Packed - check out where people are parking. <a href=""></a>
Hundreds of people packed the council chambers to stress their dissatisfaction with the application. It was one of six that were up in front of council Tuesday night.
Council spent hours discussing Coppola Farms Inc. with hundreds of people lined up in the parking lot trying to attend the meeting.
Joanne Rivard lives near the location of Coppola Farms Inc. and she said people don't want the farm close to town.
"We know that this is a reality," she said. "But to have it in our backyard and have our children smell skunk smells all day long ... this can't happen."
The farm is about a five-minute drive away from the town hall.
The applicant, Tony Coppola, appeared at the meeting to defend his application along with his lawyer.
Here’s an aerial photograph being shown by the town planner. <br><br>The baseball diamonds are the local athletic complex. <a href=""></a>
No future plans
Coppola said the company is applying to re-zone the site without any current plans to apply for a license to produce cannabis, he told council.
"We're just preparing ourselves ... obviously things are going on around us, so we don't want to miss the boat on it," he said.

Coppola's lawyer said that a similar site has been re-zoned near the applicant's location and suggested Coppola Farms would appeal a decision to deny the request and likely win.
Coppola said they believe council is treating him differently, after appearing at a previous council meeting where applications were approved.
Election issue
Rivard, who spoke against the application at council on Tuesday, said council needs to decide what's right for the people — before reminding them it's election season.
"Do the right thing. remember, some of us haven't voted yet," said Rivard, whose remarks were met with applause from the crowd.
There are 5 other other applications to re-zone a spot for maedical marijuana greenhouses before council. <br><br>These have been recommended to pass with a few specifications - here’s one for example: <a href=""></a>
The site in question sits 140 metres away from the town's arena and baseball field, with housing 75 metres away, according to a report from town manager Rob Brown.
Coppola said he's been made out to look like a villain by council, despite nine other applications being approved by council to rezone for a potential medical marijuana greenhouse.
DENIED: <br><br>The second site application has been denied by council, with everyone voting to support the denial EXCEPT Mayor Santos - who votes against the motion to deny. <a href=""></a>