Large crowd attends 'Hands Off Jerusalem' rally in Windsor
'Everyone is coming here today in protest against that misguided decision'
A large crowd gathered for a "Hands Off Jerusalem" rally that featured a range of pro-Palestinian speakers on Saturday afternoon.
Rallies are being held around the world today in protest of Donald Trump's declaration of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
One person at the Windsor rally walked around wearing a Donald Trump mask holding a sign that read "Shame on me. I am just an agent of Russia + Israel."

Organizers laid out white poster boards with markers, inviting people at the rally to create their own signs.
'It hurts'
The crowd gathered in a tight circle as speakers addressed the group through a megaphone.
"When that misguided decision was made that means it hurts and pains and upsets every single Muslim that lives on this earth," said Imam Yousef Aly Wahb, who added that he doesn't have a Palestinian background.

He said he was wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh, a checkered black and white scarf, as a sign of symbolic support.
"Everyone is coming here today in protest against that misguided decision," he told the crowd.
Standing in solidarity
Moussa Hamadani, a fourth year University of Windsor student majoring in History and Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies also addressed the crowd.
First, he acknowledged the rally was being held on Anishinaabe land.

"There are very few places that people before us did not call home," said Hamadani.
"And Windsor is no exception. And Canada is no exception," he said.
"I stand in solidarity with my Indigenous brothers and sisters of this land."
Hamadani then recited a poem to the people through the megaphone.