LaSalle, Amherstburg two of Canada's "safest" communities

LaSalle and Amherstburg are two of the "safest" communities in Canada, according to the latest Crime Severity Index numbers released by Statistics Canada.
The Town of LaSalle was ranked third among 305 communities with a population of more than 10,000 in 2015. Amherstburg was ranked fourth.
LaSalle's Crime Severity Index was 19.34, lowest in Windsor and Essex County, slightly behind Amhertstburg, which had a CSI of 19.35.
Windsor's Crime Severity Index was 62, up eight per cent from the year before.
The Crime Severity Index tracks changes in the severity of police-reported crime by accounting for both the amount of crime reported by police in a given jurisdiction and the relative seriousness of these crimes.
"It tells us not only how much crime is coming to the attention of police, but also about the seriousness of that crime," Statistics Canada says on its website.