LaSalle votes against having EpiPens at town facilities
Council agrees with administration report arguing against providing epinephrine

LaSalle town council voted down a proposal that would have seen epinephrine pens provided at municipal facilities throughout the community.
The vote follows a recommendation from the town's administration to not stock epinephrine.
Epinephrine is administered by people with severe allergies through a small needle called an EpiPen.
Medical health officer Dr. Gary Kirk addressed LaSalle council along with Dr. Paul Bradford. They'd argued for allowing epinephrine in facilities, saying that EpiPens save lives.
He said the EpiPen is especially effective when people are having their first severe allergic emergency at a public place. For them, the EpiPen could be a difference-maker.
"For those folks, it may save their lives to know that the municipality has an EpiPen on hand," Kirk said.
A similar motion is slated to come before Windsor city council. Though the health unit is advocating for Windsor to put EpiPens in its facilities, Kirk said he's not certain whether he will address council on the issue.