Level 2 heat alert extended to Friday in Windsor

The Windsor Essex County Health Unit has extended a Level 2 heat alert through Friday.
A Level 2 heat alert is issued whenever the forecast predicts four or more days with a humidex value reaching 40 C, one day with a humidex value reaching 45 C, or four or more nights with a humidex value of 28 or more.
In this week's case, humidex values are expected to reach 40 C or higher for four or more consecutive days.
The health unit urges residents to follow these steps to stay cool:
- Drink plenty of water.
- Go to an air conditioned place.
- Wear a hat and lightweight, loose-fitting clothing.
- Take a cool bath or shower.
- Limit outdoor activities to the coolest part of the day.
- Check on your neighbours and family.
- Never leave children or pets alone in closed vehicles.
The health unit also encourages people to watch for symptoms of heat-related illness. Symptoms included dizziness, fainting, nausea, vomiting, rapid breathing and heartbeat, extreme thirst, and decreased urination.
Those looking for a place to go can call 211 or visit www.StayCoolWindsor-Essex.com for the latest locations. The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is also advising residents and visitors to keep a close eye on family, friends, and neighbours who are at higher risk of heat health illnesses. Those particularly vulnerable include, older adults, infants, pregnant women, young children, people with chronic illnesses, the homeless population, and those who work or exercise in the heat.