Lock it or lose it: tips from Windsor police to keep holiday shopping safe
'We want to do our best not to give [thieves] that opportunity'

Shopping bags and boxes left in vehicles are "attention-getters" for potential thieves, says Const. Talya Natyshak with the Windsor Police Service.
Natyshak says it's definitely an issue, which is why police across the province educate the public through their Lock It or Lose It campaign.
"We want to do our best not to give [thieves] that opportunity," said Natyshak, offering tips to Windsor Morning's Tony Doucette.
- Be prepared before you go shopping: remove all valuables from your vehicle, from loose change to phone cords
- Pick a spot in a parking lot under a good set of lights or near visible security cameras
- Keep purchases with you until you're going home
- Plan deliveries of online purchases
- Fold cardboard boxes the opposite way after receiving high value items
Natyshak says a big step in the right direction is to not shop distracted.
"Put your phones away, try not to be distracted and leave yourself extra time," says Natyshak, adding that people often put down their wallets, phones or keys to have their hands free and then walk away from their belongings.
Despite regular increased crime reports during the holiday season, Natyshak says it's still uncommon in Windsor.
"I don't think it is a huge issue in our community," said Natyshak. "Our community is fantastic at being the eyes and ears for each other."
In addition to keeping purchases out of a vehicle, thanks to online shopping you have to keep an eye on your front porch too.
"We all know that online shopping is becoming more and more popular," said Natyshak. "If you're someone who works during the day, have [your package] delivered to a friend or family member who will be home."
Canada Post, in an e-mailed response for comment, says to check a retailer's shipping policy before purchasing.
"Many let you choose if you want your item 'safe dropped' on your porch or if you want it delivered straight to a post office for pick up," said Canada Post.