Meet the people running for council in Pelee
7 people running for 5 seats

In the Township of Pelee, 7 people are running for 5 spots on council: 1 mayor and 4 councillors.
For the mayoral race, video-journalist Meg Roberts made 'player cards' for each candidate. She captured a photo of each candidate doing something familiar or fun to them, and asked them to answer three questions.
Reporter/editor Jonathan Pinto contacted candidates for the rest of council, asking them to submit a photo and respond to an email questionnaire.
Answers may have been edited for clarity or because they exceeded the character limit given.
The candidate for mayor has been acclaimed.

What is your top priority if elected?
Secure the perimeter of the island with stone and make the government aware we need help with that. Also, deal with the blue green algae threatening Lake Erie.
Which council decision made last term would you change?
Communication concerning ferries.
What is your favourite activity in your municipality?
Fishing, hunting and a little bit of gardening.
There are 6 people running for 4 seats on council.
Age: 64
Occupation: Retired
What is your most relevant experience for this position?
Living in and serving rural communities the bulk of my working career.
What is the single biggest issue in your municipality?
The fact that our present tax base will not support the future maintenance or upgrades of existing infrastructure or any new infrastructure. Present and future provincial demands will result in added costs. Increasingly more reliant on federal and provincial funding.
David Joel DeLellis*
Candidate submitted profile after original publication date
Age: 46
Occupation: Farmer
What is your most relevant experience for this position?
4 years as deputy mayor, chair of the transportation, environmental, drainage, and economic development advisory committees while being a business owner for 25 years have all added to my experience level for a position on council.
What is the single biggest issue in your municipality?
Economic sustainability is the biggest issue; infrastructure, and shoreline protection are all high cost items that require immediate attention.
Bruno Friesen
Candidate did not reply to CBC questionnaire
Dayne Malloch*
Candidate submitted profile after original publication date
Age: 41
Occupation: Residential and Commercial Construction Business Owner
What is your most relevant experience for this position?
Growing up here, I learned first hand the issues facing our community. I wanted to impact change and found my voice for the community when I was elected 12 years ago. My experience includes: 12 years on council, running a successful business, living & working on Pelee.
What is the single biggest issue in your municipality?
The largest issue facing Pelee Island is sustainability. We must tackle threats to our community, in order to reach our sustainability goals. These threats include: shoreline erosion, transportation, drainage, road improvement & increasing tourism while respecting our ecosystem.
Age: 67
Occupation: Retired
What is your most relevant experience for this position?
Full time resident. Vice Pres Art Works. Vice Pres Royal Canadian Legion #403. Serve on the Township Pheasant Comm. Member of Ontario Fed. Of Anglers & Hunters. Retired from a career in admin with education system. Have attended all council meetings for the past 4 yrs.
What is the single biggest issue in your municipality?
Pelee Island, my home, needs a strong infrastructure to support our quality of life as well as to help share the island with the world. In particular, our shoreline protection and roads need upgrading and continued maintenance.
Christopher Watson
Age: 46
Occupation: Self employed
What is your most relevant experience for this position?
I worked for the Township of Pelee for many years being building inspector and drainage and know about the concerns that the island has to deal with. Lived on Pelee Island year round for 24 years and have seen many changes.
What is the single biggest issue in your municipality?
Biggest issues on Pelee Island is shore protection and drainage - with the high water levels many areas are getting washed out. Half our roads are near the water so we must address this before we lose our roads.