Meet the people running for the Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence
7 people running for 6 seats

7 people are running for the 6 trustee seats that represents Windsor-Essex for Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence, the French-language Catholic school board.
Candidates responded to an email questionnaire from CBC Windsor — answers may have been edited for clarity or because they exceeded the 280 character limit for the final two questions.
Windsor Wards 1/9 + LaSalle | Windsor Wards 2/3/4/5/8/10 | Windsor Wards 6/7 + Tecumseh Wards 1/2/3 | Tecumseh Wards 4/5 + Lakeshore Wards 1/2/3/4 | Lakeshore Wards 5/6 + Leamington + Pelee | Amherstburg + Essex + Kingsville
Windsor Wards 1/9 + LaSalle
The candidate for this position has been acclaimed.
Jacques Kenny
Candidate did not reply to CBC questionnaire
Windsor Wards 2/3/4/5/8/10
The candidate for this position has been acclaimed.
Christian Trudeau
Candidate did not reply to CBC questionnaire
Windsor Wards 6/7 + Tecumseh Wards 1/2/3
There are 2 people running for 1 position.
Age: 61
Occupation: Retired
What is your most relevant experience for this position?
As principal of student services I worked closely with school and board personnel, parents, community partners, and Ministry of Education initiatives. I am currently a member of the Special Education Advisory Committee.
What is the single biggest issue in your board?
Maintaining and preserving a high quality French Catholic education.
Age: 48
Occupation: P. Eng. / MBA / Sr. Transmission Engineer (P. Eng.) at TELUS.
What is your most relevant experience for this position?
No experience for this position but I was successively founder and member of the board of directors Entité 4 from 2010 to 2014. Parents Partenaires en Education board of directors member from 2013 to 2017 and since 2016 vice-president of Frequency Coordination System Association.
What is the single biggest issue in your board?
The visible minority non representivity in the board leadership. Due to this community's growth, this representation will contribute to an efficient management of resources, to the consolidation of an inclusive climate, the social, cognitive and emotional well-being of students.
Tecumseh Wards 4/5 + Lakeshore Wards 1/2/3/4
The candidate for this position has been acclaimed.
Jean-Francois Gauthier
Candidate did not reply to CBC questionnaire
Lakeshore Wards 5/6 + Leamington + Pelee
The candidate for this position has been acclaimed.
Doris Sauve
Candidate did not reply to CBC questionnaire
Amherstburg + Essex + Kingsville
The candidate for this position has been acclaimed.
Age: 59
Occupation: Executive director, Centre communautaire francophone Windsor Essex Kent Inc. (Formerly known as Place Concorde)
What is your most relevant experience for this position?
As a father of 2 graduates from EJL High school, and as a member of the francophone community and in my position as Executive director of the CCFWEK, I have had the pleasure to be a school board trustee with the Conseil scolaire catholique Providence since its creation in 1998.
What is the single biggest issue in your board?
Continued growth of the student population in our territory has given us challenges in recruiting qualified French educators and support staff to fill the needs, modernizing our school facilities is a challenge and offering a larger selection of programs is on our radar.