Windsor-Essex hospitality industry hoping to cash in on Memorial Cup
Local tourism industry hoping to cash in on economic spin-off.

Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island is hoping to cash in on the millions of dollars in spin-off spending from fans of the Memorial Cup hockey tournament when they come to town later this week.
TWEPI CEO Gordon Orr estimates the tournament will pump between $10 million and $17 million into the local economy, based on previous tournaments.
The tourism bureau has produced a glossy guide highlighting events taking place around the region as well as local restaurants, tourist attractions and wineries.
The guide will be placed in more than a dozen hotels along with other tourism information for the duration of the ten-day tournament.
"We're going to be putting the tourism information points in a number of different hotels just in case tourists come and they don't stay at the five host hotels that are actually officially part of the room block," said Orr.
More than 58,000 fans attended games at last year's tournament in Red Deer, Alberta.
TWEPI has also produced a guide highlighting the attractions at the different BIA's in Windsor.
Walkerville's BIA will be providing a shuttle service from the WFCU Centre to Walkerville to bring the tourists.

Paul Doman is part owner of restaurants in both downtown Windsor and Walkerville. He expects thousands of dollars in extra revenue from the visitors and it should mean more money in the pockets of his employees too.
"Normally on a Monday I'll have one server on at [The] Snack [Barbecue], but on a day like that I'm going to have three our four during the day just because it's just going to be busy," said Doman.
TWEPI has also put up welcome signs at the baggage claim at the airport and officials will be welcoming the incoming teams this week.
The tourism bureau is spending about $25,000 on the promotions.
The cup itself will begin touring the county this Sunday. The festivities officially begin this Thursday evening with the arrival of the Memorial Cup at 6:30 p.m.