Five-foot boa constrictor gone missing in South Windsor
Owner contacted the humane society, Windsor Police and he has posted flyers around his neighbourhood

A five-foot long pet boa constrictor went missing in south Windsor, giving some of the owner's neighbours pause for concern.
Kyle Glen, 16, reported his snake, named Kyea, missing. He says the reptile was in a cage when he went to bed, but was nowhere to be found in the morning.
Glen isn't sure whether Kyea was stolen, or if he slithered off by itself. At this point, he just wants his pet back.
"I want the snake back if someone did take him," he told CBC News. "I'm just worried that maybe he got out, maybe someone will hurt him, or he'll hurt someone else's pet."
Neighbour Isabella Renaud is terrified of snakes. She was alarmed to find out the reptile was on the loose.
"I'm very scared stiff of snakes, even little ones," she said.
Glen has contacted the humane society, Windsor Police and he has posted flyers around his neighbourhood. He also a specific Facebook page dedicated to his missing snake.