WECHU says Seacliff, Mettawas Beach unsafe — but isn't closing them
No beach closures in the region this week

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) has released its weekly beach results, flagging Seacliff Beach in Leamington and Mettawas Beach in Kingsville as unsafe for swimming.
Despite the swimming warnings at these locations, however, the WECHU confirmed that no beaches are closed this week.
Five beaches in the region, including Sandpoint Beach in Windsor and Colchester Beach in the Town of Essex, contain bacterial levels below provincial standards.

It's worth noting that Holiday Beach in Amherstburg has been closed since June 11, 2019 as a result of erosion and was therefore not sampled for E. Coli.
BEACH RESULTS: No beaches are closed this week. Swimming is not recommended at Seacliff Beach and Mettawas Beach. Holiday Beach was not sampled for E coli, follow link for details. <a href="https://t.co/I6ZEbfTHDJ">https://t.co/I6ZEbfTHDJ</a> <a href="https://t.co/o8IITH4anq">pic.twitter.com/o8IITH4anq</a>