Petition to keep Amherstburg police has 1,200 signatures
Amherstburg looking to outsource police in effort to save money and pay down debt

A petition to keep Amherstburg's police department in favour of regional or OPP service now has nearly 1,200 signatures.
The town is looking at outsourcing its policing to the OPP or the Windsor Police Service.
- Windsor, LaSalle, Amherstburg mayors talk regional police
- LaSalle not interested in regional police force
- Windsor looking to take over Amherstburg police
Darlene Meloche started the petition, which asks town council to keep the force local.
"We're not saying we hate any of the other police departments. We're not saying anything negative against anybody,"Meloche said. "All we're trying to do is let people know that we want the Amherstburg police department to stay local. That's all we're trying to do."
At one point, Windsor suggested LaSalle, Amherstburg and Windsor form a regional police service.
The Amherstburg Police Service employs 31 officers and three civilian employees.
It costs the town $5.7 million a year.
Amherstburg Police Chief Timothy Berthiaume says he's flattered by a show of support from the public.
He also says the issue has been stressful.
"The officers aren't really sure where they will be in the next year or two, so you know it's a little upsetting for them, but we're getting through it," the chief said. "The men and women of the Amherstburg Police Service are coming to work every day and doing the exact same work that they did before the motion was made."
If Amherstburg does outsource it's police department, LaSalle could lose a $300,000 annual contract.
Currently, LaSalle provides dispatching services for Amherstburg's police.
"That's a revenue we would lose," LaSalle Mayor Antaya previously said.
Amherstburg is looking to outsource policing in an effort to save money and pay down its debt, that some estimate to be $46 million.