Point Pelee marsh healthier than ever following fire
New vegetation might grow from ashes

A section of marshland at Point Pelee National Park that was scorched by a massive fire in March is healthier than ever before, according to park staff.
The roaring flames devoured 143 hectares of old cattails, releasing nutrients and leaving space for light to reach areas it hadn't touched in years, said superintendent Maria Papoulias.
"Although you can't see it with your eyes it's actually healthier than it ever was," she explained. "Fire is actually a natural process of regeneration in this marshland."
The blaze began on the evening of March 29, drawing curious onlookers and emergency services who battled it throughout the night until rain helped douse the flames the following morning.

Crews managed to save the park's famous boardwalk, and Papoulias said the fire could not have come at a better time.
"The marsh was effectively still sleeping," she said. "It happened before the birds had really arrived and started nesting."
Remember that fire that happened at Point Pelee National Park in the spring? Here's an update to what's being call a great thing <a href="https://twitter.com/CBCWindsor">@CBCWindsor</a> <a href="https://t.co/SebSKlN2y5">pic.twitter.com/SebSKlN2y5</a>
Investigators still don't know what sparked the fire and the superintendent said it's possible the cause won't ever be discovered.
Park staff plan to study the marsh's new growth and Papoulias said it's possible new vegetation might have begun growing from the ashes.