Do you live in Leamington? You can now pick up sandbags
There is a limit of 100 sandbags per visit

Leamington is making sand and sandbags available to its residents who want to protect themselves against potential overland flooding.
Residents can pick up sandbags from the Leamington Kinsmen Recreation Complex. To obtain the sandbags, residents must show proof of residency in the city, such as mailing or billing information.
There is a limit of 100 sandbags per visit. Residents will have to make a second trip to obtain more, if needed.
A sandbag-filling station and free sand is accessible at Bayview Dog Park on 435 Bevel Line Road. Sandbags are self-serve, and residents must bring their own shovels to fill the bags.
High water levels have put communities across Ontario in flood emergencies this spring, and while Leamington is not in an emergency state as of yet, flooding is expected to worsen as water levels continue to rise.