Street Angels Soup Shack looking for new home in downtown
The mobile soup kitchen is looking for a permanent place to set up

The Street Angels Soup Shack has been at Throne of Grace Church since it opened last November. Now it is looking for a new home.
Merissa Mills, director of Street Angels Soup Shack, said the mobile soup kitchen is no longer able to stay at its location in the downtown core.
"There is kind of a misconception about the soup shack because it's mobile," Mills said.
"People think that we go around and we park at different locations, but actually the purpose of the Soup Shack is to stay stationed at one location."
She said the Soup Shack is supposed to stay in one location so people experiencing homelessness are able to find it easily.
She said the church has had issues with people using the truck's services, like clients leaving garbage around the church, and in one incident, someone threw a bowl of soup at the doors of the church.
"The church just doesn't want us to be there anymore," Mills said.
CBC News called Throne of Grace Church and they declined an interview.
"Unfortunately, we are now in the position of looking for a new location in the downtown core," Mills said.
Mills said the kitchen will resume running next Monday from the parking lot of their parent organization, Feeding Windsor-Essex, if they can't find another location. She said the problem with opening it at their office is it isn't in the downtown core, where the most vulnerable populations are found.
"I'm sure some people will come, but I would assume there would be less service users and also not our target demographic."
The Soup Shack is currently in Feeding Windsor-Essex's parking lot at 999 Drouillard Rd. and will be open on Monday for those who need it.