Striking nurse hit by car in Leamington
OPP says nurse has minor injuries

A striking public health unit nurse, in Leamington, has minor injuries after being hit by a car.
Ontario Provincial Police Const. Stephanie Moniz says it happened at around 8 a.m. Thursday at 33 Princess street in Leamington.
Public health workers in Windsor and Essex County have been on strike since last Friday.
OPP officers were called to the location about a traffic back-up and a report that a pedestrian had been hit by a car.
The driver of the car and one other picketer called into police about what had happened.
Moniz says the car was entering a parking lot when the hit took place.
The nurse was taken to hospital with minor injuries as a precaution.
Both the group of picketers and the driver were let off with a warning.
"We're just asking that people understand both sides of what's going on — the general public as well as the picketers," said Moniz. "If everybody can be very understanding and patient, that's what it needed right now."