Tourism minister inspires Windsor cycling advocates
"The most successful communities in the world … are the ones that offer that range of transportation choices"

A visit from Ontario's tourism minister has given hope to bicycle safety advocates, who have long been lobbying for bike infrastructure improvements throughout the Windsor region.
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Business leaders, cycling advocates and municipal staff met with Eleanor McMahon, the province's tourism minister Thursday to discuss the importance of making the region more bike friendly.
"It's pretty exciting to have the minister down here talking about how this is a provincial initiative," said Lori Newton, executive director of Bike Windsor Essex.

McMahon talked about how investments in cycling infrastructure can translate into more business throughout the region.
"Getting people where they want to go safely ... and making a more bicycle-friendly Windsor, not only makes good environmental sense, it makes economic sense," she told CBC News.
<a href="">@EMcMahonMPP</a> loved your line on <a href="">@WindsorMorning</a> The bicycle in front of you is the car that isn't. <a href="">#sharetheroad</a>
The best way to achieve that type of success means significant cycling infrastructure, such as separated bike lanes, to let both drivers and cyclists know they are safe.
"The most successful communities in the world … are the ones that offer that range of transportation choices," McMahon said.