Windsor-Essex Catholic board scores above provincial average in EQAO results
Most dramatic improvement seen in Grade 9 applied math scores

Students at Catholic schools across Windsor-Essex scored above the provincial average in reading, writing and math in standardized testing — in some cases, achieving the highest rates the board has ever seen.
The most dramatic improvement in 2016-2017 Education Quality and Accountability Office test results for the board was seen in Grade 9 applied mathematics, where 61 per cent of students hit Ontario's standard — a nine per cent increase over the rate seen last year and well above the provincial average of 44 per cent.
"We've never seen more than 60 per cent of our students achieve the standard ... so this is very exciting for us," explained Emelda Byrne, executive superintendent of student achievement, in a press release.
Bryne credits the board's "renewed math strategy" for the change and added increases in literacy scores for Grade 3 and Grade 6 students, as well as in the Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test, show improvements in math didn't come at the expense of other disciplines.
WECDSB EQAO results:
- Number of Grade 3 students who met the provincial standard increased by five per cent in reading, four per cent in writing and three per cent in math compared to the previous year
- Number of Grade 6 students who met the provincial standard increased by six per cent in math, two per cent in reading and two per cent in writing compared to the previous year
- 86 per cent of Grade 10 students with the board met the provincial standard for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test compared to the provincial average of 81 per cent