CBC Windsor August 10 COVID-19 update: 11 new cases as region cleared for Stage 3
Region cleared for Stage 3 of reopening this coming Wednesday

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit reported 11 new cases for our region, the same day as the province cleared Windsor-Essex to move into Stage 3 of reopening.
As of Wednesday August 12, Windsor-Essex will move into Stage 3 of the province's reopening plan.
The region has seen a decline in new cases over the last week and an increased capacity at local hospitals — both factors the government has outlined as key criteria for moving forward.
Stage 3 will allow for activities such as indoor dining in restaurants, live performing arts shows and the reopening of movie theatres and playgrounds — albeit with significant health and safety measures in place, including physical distancing, enhanced cleaning protocols and Plexiglas barriers.
Medical officer of health, Dr. Wajid Ahmed, said as the region moves on people must continue to physically distance as it is the best way to prevent the spread of the virus.
"Please be mindful that moving to Stage 3 does not mean the virus is gone," said Ahmed. "Please follow all the public health measures."
He also said that bar, restaurant and tour boat operators are required to keep a log of their clients for up to 30 days.
"These additional measures will help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and will help WECHU in case and contact management," said Ahmed.
Those attending restaurants indoors are required to wear masks at all times, said Ahmed, except when eating and drinking. You do not need to wear a mask while on a patio. But staff must wear face coverings at all times, he said.
There are 11 workplaces currently under a COVID-19 outbreak in Windsor-Essex. The health unit has not specifically named any of the workplaces because the organization says it will only do so if there is a risk to the community.
Augustine Villas retirement home in Kingsville remains under a COVID-19 outbreak after three staff members tested positive for the disease.
WATCH | The health unit's COVID-19 update for August 10:
Ontario just went 7 straight days with less than 100 COVID-19 cases
Ontario marked a significant achievement in its COVID-19 fight this past week. In each of the last seven days, the province has recorded fewer than 100 cases of the novel coronavirus.
While this may be seen as cause for celebration, medical experts say people should not forget that COVID-19 is still very much around.
"Complacency is something we'll always have to worry about and make sure that people realize that COVID's still there," infectious diseases physician at Trillium Health Partners in Mississauga, Dr. Sumon Chakrabarti told CBC News.
Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott announced the full week of numbers below 100 in a tweet.
Like Chakrabarti, Stratford-based family physician Sean Blaine said, while the numbers are encouraging, Ontario residents should not be lulled into complacency.
He said every part of the province remains at high risk and whether or not new outbreaks occur will depend on how people choose to conduct themselves.
"We know that the nature of this particular virus is that it continues to circulate in all of our communities among people who have no idea that they're actually infected, have no idea that they could be passing it on to other people, and it does this very, very quietly," Blaine told CBC News.
READ MORE | Ontario just went 7 straight days with less than 100 COVID-19 cases. Now what?
COVID-19 in Sarnia-Lambton
Lambton Public Health reported seven new cases of COVID-19 over the weekend. There have been 326 total cases in the region.
Overall, 25 people in Lambton County have died after testing positive for COVID-19. Another 288 people have recovered from the disease.
The region entered Stage 3 of reopening July 24.
COVID-19 in Chatham-Kent
Chatham-Kent Public Health reported nine new COVID-19 cases for the region. In total 317 people have tested positive for the disease.
Overall, 222 people have recovered, leaving 93 active cases in that region. Three people are currently in hospital and two people have died.
One workplace is under an outbreak.
The region entered Stage 3 of reopening July 17.