CBC Windsor September 28 COVID-19 update: 3 new cases today
Rules tighten around Ontario as provincial numbers climb

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit reported three new COVID-19 cases for our region on Monday.
All three cases are under investigation.
Over the weekend, the health unit reported five new local cases, as the province tightened gathering limits in an effort to quell the rise in new cases seen across Ontario.
"Over the past five weeks, Ontario has experienced an increase in the rate of new COVID-19 cases," the province said in a news release Friday.
Bars and restaurants must close at midnight, except for takeout and delivery, and businesses must screen anyone who wishes to enter the premises. Las call was also moved to 11 p.m., and all strip clubs are closed.
The average number of new cases reported daily in Ontario is currently running four times higher than what it was at the end of August.
One retirement home locally is currently under an outbreak.
Dolce Vita in Windsor has recently had five residents and two staff members test positive for COVID-19.
Back to class for Windsor-Essex's first student-COVID-19 case
It's been 14 days since the first COVID-19 case at a Windsor-Essex school popped up, and today, 13-year-old Grade 8 student Jamie Smith along with some 20 classmates are allowed to return to school.
Jamie only made it through one day of school at Stella Maris Catholic Elementary School in Amherstburg, Ont. — that was on Friday, Sept. 11. But that weekend, the young student had difficulty breathing and her family became very concerned.
On Sunday, Jamie's parents Andrea and James took her to hospital where they say a doctor attributed her difficulty breathing to anxiety. They did a COVID-19 swab regardless, and by Monday night the Smith family found out she was positive.

The Smith family has been under quarantine together now and their 14-day period was up on Sunday, James explained last Friday. Jamie can go back to school Monday as long as she has no symptoms for 72 hours, the family say they were told.
But given the uncertainty around how Jamie contracted the virus, her family has concerns.
"A huge worry is how our kids will be treated when they go back to school," said James.
READ MORE | She was the 1st student positive for COVID-19, now her family worries for her return to class
COVID-19 in Sarnia-Lambton
Lambton Public Health reported one new COVID-19 case Sunday. There have been a total of 346 cases in Lambton County.
Twenty-five people have died.
COVID-19 in Chatham-Kent
Chatham-Kent Public Health reported two new COVID-19 cases over the weekend. There have been a total of 368 cases in Chatham-Kent.
Two people have died.