COVID-19 vaccines have reached 66% of those 60 and older in Windsor-Essex, health officials say
Health unit reports two new deaths on Wednesday

Nearly two out of every three Windsor-Essex residents who are 60 and older have now received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to health officials.
Theresa Marentette, CEO of the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, said about 71,000 people in that age range, or 66.3 per cent, have gotten a shot since vaccinations began.
"It's a great start. I think there are some age groups that can be improved upon as we have more access to vaccine," she said at the health unit's daily briefing on Wednesday.
She provided a breakdown of the current vaccination rates across the age groups:
- 80 plus at 87.6 per cent.
- 75 to 79 at 79.9 per cent.
- 70 to 74 at 66.9 per cent.
- 65 to 69 at 41 per cent.
- 60 to 64 at 55.1 per cent.
Those 60 and above represent about 98 per cent of all COVID-19 deaths in Windsor-Essex, as of data released late last month.
The health unit announced Wednesday that two more residents have lost their lives after contracting the virus, a man in his 80s and a man in his 90s.
The health unit also announced 41 new cases of the virus. Of the new cases, 14 are close contacts of cases that were previously identified, two cases were community acquired, one is outbreak related and a further 24 are under investigation
The health unit said appointment slots at its five vaccination sites are fully booked through April 12 and no new appointments are being booked, but they anticipate that the chance to book a slot could resume as soon as tomorrow.
On Tuesday, the province announced that Windsor-Essex is one a 13 health units where hotspot neighbourhoods will see those who are 50 and older be eligible for vaccines.
Marentette said the seven postal codes include areas of Leamington and Kingsville and some downtown areas.
Nineteen people are in hospital, including five in ICU.
The number of COVID-19 variants of concern rose sharply since Tuesday, from 116 to 160. Between March 30 and April 5, 18.9 per cent of cases have been reported as one of the more contagious strains of COVID-19, Marentette said.
There are five ongoing outbreaks, including one at the Southwest Detention Centre and another Victoria Manor.
Three workplaces have active outbreaks:
- One in Kingsville's agriculture sector.
- One in Windsor's manufacturing sector.
- One in Lakeshore's manufacturing sector.
COVID-19 in Sarnia and Chatham-Kent
There were four new cases of COVID-19 reported within Lambton County, and 129 are active overall. One additional death was reported, bringing the region's total to 52.
Chatham-Kent Public Health also reported an increase of four people who have newly tested positive for COVID-19. There are 62 cases considered active.