Proof of vaccination soon required to enter Windsor-Essex recreational facilities: WECHU
Health unit says it will be issuing a letter of instruction on Monday

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit says entering a recreational facility will soon require proof of vaccination.
Dr. Shanker Nesathurai, acting medical officer of health, announced the news along with CEO Nicole Dupuis during a media call on Monday morning.
"What we're trying to do is... improve the safety of the community," he said.
The health unit will provide details in a letter of instruction expected to be released on Monday afternoon.
Officials said the measure applies to anyone 12 and up and includes coaches, officiants as well as spectators attending recreation centres.
The measure does not apply to recreational settings within schools. Dupuis said there will be no exceptions to the policy.
Nesathurai said there are still tens of thousands of people in the region who are eligible for vaccination but have not yet gotten a single dose.
The City of Windsor has already announced a similar policy for those attending municipal arenas.
The requirement goes beyond the provincial rule, which does not require proof of vaccination for those aged 12 to 17 who are participating in a sporting event but mandates that spectators must be vaccinated.
2 additional deaths
WECHU announced Monday that two more people who tested positive for COVID-19 — two men in their 70s — have died. The pandemic has claimed 453 lives in the region overall.
The health unit reported 117 new COVID-19 since Friday. Thirty cases were reported Saturday, 47 on Sunday and 40 on Monday.
Overall, 307 COVID-19 cases are active in Windsor-Essex. There are 24 ongoing outbreaks, 14 of which are occurring at workplaces:
- Seven workplaces are in the agricultural sector.
- Four workplaces are in the health care and social assistance sector.
- Two workplaces are in the manufacturing sector.
- One case is in the fitness and recreational sports centre sector.
Outbreaks are also ongoing at seven schools:
- J. A. McWilliam Public School.
- Ford City Public School.
- St. Anne Catholic High School.
- Sandwich Secondary School.
- Al-Hijra Academy.
- Cardinal Carter Catholic Secondary School.
- St. Joseph's Catholic High School.
As well, two long-term care or retirement facilities have COVID-19 outbreaks: The Village at St. Clair and La Chaumiere Retirement Residence
Two community outbreaks have been declared, one at St. Clair College and one at The Salvation Army.
COVID-19 in Chatham-Kent, Sarnia-Lambton
Chatham-Kent Public Health reported 31 new COVID-19 cases since the health unit's last update on Friday. There are 115 cases considered active within the municipality.
In Sarnia-Lambton, there were four newly reported cases. Sixty-four are active overall.