Health unit reports higher than usual number of influenza reports in kids
An average of 3,500 deaths in Canada are attributed to influenza each year, says health unit

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) has observed a higher number of babies and children being reported with influenza this year.
Influenza A is the type of flu virus confirmed in the region, for which infants are most at risk to contract. The health unit is encouraging all pregnant women and children over the age of six months to get the flu shot.
"The flu shot is considered safe and recommended for all pregnant women at all stages of pregnancy and mothers who are breastfeeding," said Dr. Wajid Ahmed, WECHU's acting medical officer of health, in a news release.
According to the health unit, getting the flu shot during pregnancy protects an infant for the first six months of life.

The flu shot is available from health care providers, walk-in clinics and participating pharmacies.
According to the health unit, an average of 3,500 deaths each year and 12,200 hospitalizations are attributed to the flu in Canada.