Windsor-Essex horse industry: provincial funding not enough
Province adds $100 million to help horse racing industry; many say not enough

The province has put an extra $100 million into horse racing in an effort to give additional racetracks in the province some help, but some industry locals around Windsor-Essex say it may not be enough.
The funding is part of the government's Horse Racing Partnership Plan, which comes into effect April 1.
The five-year plan is designed to distribute $500 million over the next five years to support the industry.
Tom Bain, the warden of Essex County, looks at this as good news.
"It's very encouraging there's going to be more money in there. The industry has been reduced, but hopefully it has been saved," said Bain.
Not everyone agrees.
Brian Tropea, the general manager of the Ontario Harness Horse Association, told CBC News the funding is not enough.
"I understand it's an improvement from where we were, but it still falls short," he said. "In the past, the revenue sharing agreement ... provided more than $340 million a year."
Tropea said even with the extra funding the industry would still see a "significant reduction" in races as well as a reduction in what people can earn racing horses.