Windsor-Essex reports 228 new COVID-19 cases and one death Sunday
Region nearing 10,000 confirmed cases

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) reported 228 new cases and one new death on Sunday. The death was a woman in her 80s living in a long-term care home.
Overall, 210 people in the region have died of COVID-19 since the pandemic began.
The death toll has doubled in a matter of weeks. The region's 100th death was announced Dec. 22.
The health unit also reported there are now 9,673 confirmed cases, 2,641 of which are active.
Among today's cases, 13 are outbreak-related, 16 are close contacts of confirmed cases, three are community acquired and 196 are still being investigated.
There are 92 people in hospital in the region, with 18 in the ICU.
Two outbreaks are active at one hospital, Windsor Regional Hospital's Ouellette campus.
Three community settings — Salvation Army Centre of Hope and two Assisted Living Southwestern Ontario locations — are also in active outbreak.
Outbreaks are active at 18 workplaces:
Four in Leamington's agriculture sector.
Five in Kingsville's agriculture sector.
Three in Windsor's health care and social assistance sector.
One in Leamington's health care and social assistance sector.
One in Windsor's food and beverage service sector.
One in a personal service setting in LaSalle.
Three in public administration settings in Windsor.
There are 21 active outbreaks at long-term care and retirement facilities:
Chartwell Royal Marquis, with one resident case
Harrow Woods Retirement Home, with three resident cases and one staff case
Seasons Retirement Home in Amherstburg, with one staff case.
Devonshire Retirement Residence in Windsor, with nine resident cases and one staff case
Iler Lodge in Essex, with two staff cases.
Chartwell Royal Oak in Kingsville, with two staff cases.
Rosewood Erie Glen in Leamington, with 15 resident cases.
Chateau Park in Windsor with four staff cases.
Leamington Mennonite Home in Leamington, with six staff cases.
Brouillette Manor in Tecumseh, with three staff cases.
Augustine Villas in Kingsville, with 26 resident and four staff cases.
Sunrise Assisted Living of Windsor, with six resident cases and six staff cases.
Huron Lodge in Windsor, with 43 resident cases and 22 staff cases.
Sun Parlor Home in Leamington, with six staff cases.
Banwell Gardens Care Centre in Windsor, with 106 resident cases and 38 staff cases.
The Shoreview at Riverside in Windsor, with 24 resident cases and nine staff cases.
Extendicare Tecumseh, with 81 resident cases and 42 staff cases.
Berkshire Care Centre in Windsor, with 93 resident and 57 staff cases.
The Village at St. Clair in Windsor, with 151 resident cases and 106 staff cases.
Country Village in Woodslee, with three resident and two staff cases.
Village of Aspen Lake in Tecumseh, with 50 resident cases and 16 staff cases.