Windsor-Essex school boards elect new leadership
Both boards elect new chairs for 2018-19

Both the public and Catholic school boards for Windsor-Essex have new leaders for the next year.
At Tuesday night meetings, the Greater Essex County District School Board and the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board elected board chairs.

Fulvio Valentinis, who has served on the WECDSB since 2014, was acclaimed to the chair position. Lisa Souilliere, with the board since 2000, returns to her vice-chair seat.
Valentinis takes over for Barbara Holland, who served as chair since 2012. He has previously sat on the audit and multi-year strategic planning committees. Prioer to being elected to the Catholic board, Valentinis was a Windsor city councillor.
Trustee Jessica Sartori will take the helm of the GECDSB. She led the education committee at the public board for the past two years.
Julia Burgess was named vice-chairperson. Burgess has been on the board for 18 years, serving in the past as chair and leader of standing committees. New trustee Alicia Higgison will guide the education committee.
School board trustees are responsible for bridging the gap between the community and the board administration.