Windsor flood cleanup finally complete, call 311 if crews missed you
Announcement comes more than 3 weeks after flooding

It took two full passes, but City of Windsor staff say the flood cleanup is finally complete.
"We have collected more flood damaged materials than ever before," said environmental services manager Anne Marie Albidone said in a media release. "The amount is unprecedented but so too has the response been."
The announcement comes almost a month after record-breaking rains ruined more than 6,000 basements in Windsor and Essex County.
Yard waste collection returns to normal
Local garbage crews struggled to keep up with the massive amount of flood-damaged items and the former GM transmission plant site on Walker Road became a temporary dump.
Albidone said that dumping location will soon close and yard waste collection and the bulk furniture pick-up pgram will return to their regular schedules in October.
"We ask those residents whose pickups may have been missed to contact 311 between today, September 25, and Friday October 6," she added. "Two weeks should be enough time to finish this off."