Windsor's goose poop problem heads to budget deliberations
Council will look at allocating funds to tackle goose droppings

Windsor city council will be tackling the city's goose poop problem at the waterfront during the 2017 budget deliberations.
Coun. Hilary Payne made the motion at Monday's council meeting. It was passed without debate.
The city's parks department sent a report to council with three options for dealing with the geese — and their droppings — along the Detroit River.
Those options include physical barriers, scare tactics and the physical removal of the geese.
Former parks director Phil Roberts previously told CBC News the preferred option is to look at keeping the birds away from the water in the first place.
"In a good wildlife control program, you tend to not look at [cleaning up after geese]," he said. "If you're controlling the birds from being in a location that you don't want them, then you don't have droppings, you don't have the mess afterwards."