Windsor group plans demonstration to protest U.S. missile strikes in Syria
Windsor Peace Coalition claims the U.S. is 'pushing the world toward war'

The Windsor Peace Coalition is planning an "emergency picket" to protest American missile strikes in Syria.
President Donald Trump authorized the attack on an air base in the Homs province Thursday in retaliation for a deadly chemical attack in the country earlier this week.
In a statement released after the barrage became public knowledge Trump stated Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad "launched a horrible chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians using a deadly nerve agent" and "ignored the urging of the UN security council."
Syrian officials claim the strikes killed seven people and wounded nine others.
In a Facebook post announcing the protest, the group claimed the United States is "pushing the world towards war" and invited members of the community to speak out against American "aggression."
Members of the Windsor pro-peace group will host a demonstration at the corner of Tecumseh Road and Ouellette Avenue at 5 p.m.