People without beds at Windsor Regional Hospital again
Tuesday night saw influx of patients to hospital emergency departments

After a brief lull in over-capacity issues at the Windsor Regional Hospital, the number of patients "skyrocketed" overnight Tuesday, causing cancelled surgeries and leaving 50 people without beds.
The overflow of patients is "near the highest" the hospital has experienced since peaking in the new year, according to hospital CEO David Musyj.
"We were hoping we were hitting a lull," he said, during a news conference Wednesday. "But it's back and it came back, unfortunately, with a vengeance."
Four more surgeries have been cancelled, bringing the number of postponed surgeries to 20 since the bed shortage began last month.
The Ouellette Campus is currently operating at 110 per cent capacity, while the Metropolitan Campus is struggling at 119 per cent.
Musyj said the cost of the over crowding is nearing $2 million, but staff don't have a choice — people need help.
The overcrowded hospital is a reflection of what's going on in the community, the CEO explained. Several long-term care homes are still battling outbreaks of influenza and a gastrointestinal bug, which is putting a strain on the hospital.
Despite the high number of patients, Musyj said surgeries are still being done in safe environments.
He plans to work with the Ministry of Health and the Local Health Integration Network to find extra beds. Musyj hopes he'll have good news in the next two days.