Immunization deadline for grade 11 and 12 students is Monday, suspensions start Tuesday
Health unit says students with incomplete records will be suspended from school for up to 20 days

Students born in 2000 and 2001 need to have their immunization records up to date by Monday in order to avoid suspensions that are starting Tuesday.
The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit said students may be suspended from school for up to 20 days if their records are not updated.
The final notice for those whose records were not up-to-date went out on February 20. As of noon on Thursday, about 675 students still did not have complete records, said Judy Allen, manager of healthy schools at the health unit.
"As of Tuesday morning if we don't have their required information, they will be sent home from school," said Allen.
The suspension would affect those students in grades 11 or 12, who have not kept their records up to date.
"The reason we picked that group is because they will have recently become overdue for their 14 to 16-year-old booster," said Allen.
The rush was on at the health unit this week, as parents hurried to get their children immunized. Each day, up to 100 students in grades 11 and 12 went in to get vaccinated.
The health unit is running walk-in clinics all next week so that students can be immunized.