Nearly 2% of Windsor police unvaccinated, won't be allowed to enter workplace
98% of force has provided proof of vaccination or been given accommodation

Windsor Police Service says 98 per cent of its members have either provided proof of vaccination or have been given an accommodation as part of its mandatory vaccine policy, it said in a news release.
Two per cent of members are not vaccinated and therefore will not be allowed to enter the workplace.
According to the force's 2020 annual report that means about 13 members of the 651 (501 sworn officers and 150 civilian members) are not vaccinated.
"The Windsor Police Service wants to reassure residents that we will continue to provide the quality of service that Windsor and Amherstburg residents expect," the release said.
"As has been done throughout the pandemic, contingency plans for staff decreases were developed and members of some units were redeployed to ensure an effective and efficient emergency response."