Windsor police warn of fake landlords running online rental scam
The scam involves phoney landlords asking interested tenants to send deposits before viewing the property

Windsor police are warning residents about an online scam involving criminals posing as landlords who ask potential tenants to send money before renting the homes.
The force's financial crime unit was contacted by a person who placed an online ad looking for an apartment and was contacted by a phony landlord.
She refused to exchange any money or information, but contacted police to ensure they were aware of the scam.
The fraudsters use sites like Kijiji to lure people in and then ask for a deposit and say they will send or leave the keys at the property for viewing because they are unable to attend in person as they live or work out of town.
Anyone who has fallen victim to the scam should contact police or Crime Stoppers.
Tips for prospective tenants
- Contact the landlord directly and arrange to see the apartment in person.
- Request to see a lease/contract and review it thoroughly.
- Conduct an online search to see if it was previously for sale or for rent. Scammers have been known to use previous ads, so this research helps to ensure it's not a duplicate post. If you find another post, contact the landlord or agent to confirm your information.
- Don't send money to strangers. Money transfers are very popular with online scams because they are difficult to trace and can instantly end up anywhere in the world.
- Contact Equifax and Transunion if you've provided personal information.
Source: Windsor Police Service