$10K in fines waived during Windsor Public Library's amnesty program
The Windsor Public Library made a promise in December to waive all overdue fees as long as borrowers returned their overdue materials. The initiative was in honour of the library's 125th anniversary and the results are in.
The December program saw 2,093 customers bring back their overdue books

The Windsor Public Library made a promise in December to waive all overdue fees as long as borrowers returned their overdue materials.
The initiative was in honour of the library's 125th anniversary and the results are in.
The library saw 2.093 customers bring back their overdue books, and the library waived $10,230 in fines.
According to the library's board meeting agenda, the "real celebration" was welcoming back the long-lost customers, and issuing them new cards.
According to the document, active library cards are held by 41.2 per cent of the community. 2019 saw an increase in the number of card-holders, by 1.8 per cent. the library hopes to increase the overall membership levels to 42 per cent.