Increased demand keeps Windsor Regional Hospital Met campus COVID-19 testing site open for extra day
Hospital uncertain whether site will remain open beyond this week

Windsor Regional Hospital is keeping its Met Campus COVID-19 assessment centre open for an additional day this week to accommodate an "increased demand," the organization said.
The assessment centre reopened this week, after being closed since March, to test asymptomatic students and education staff during the April break.
The testing site was initially supposed to be open for only Tuesday and Thursday, but it will now also remain open on Friday, Windsor Regional Hospital said in a news release. But the added date is for students and education staff as well as anyone with COVID-19 symptoms who meet the criteria for testing.
In an email to CBC News, the hospital's manager of corporate communications, Steve Erwin, said the hospital has seen an increased need for testing from the community in general, not specifically from schools.
Erwin also said he's not sure whether the centre will be available beyond Friday, though officials will "continue to monitor" the situation.
The hospital's Ouellette Campus COVID-19 assessment centre is also open for testing.