Windsor's rental housing licensing program starts now. Here's what you need to know
Cost is $466 to receive a licence for a residential unit

A rental licensing program aimed at protecting tenants is launching in Windsor this week.
As of Monday, landlords in Wards 1 and 2 who own properties with four or fewer apartment units will have to apply to receive a licence from the city for each unit.
Wards 1 and 2 are located in the west end of the city where much of the city's student rentals are located.
Landlords must show that their units meet standards set out in the building, fire and electrical codes.
The licence cost is set at $466 initially, and $275 for renewal. Applications are due by the end of May.
The city says that bylaw enforcement officers will do education and outreach before the application deadline but starting on June 1, they will start enforcing the bylaw.
Council voted to start this pilot in April. It's slated to run for two years before it decides its next steps.
At the time, some landlords spoke out against the proposal, saying that they would have to pay the fee regardless of whether they were good landlords or not, and argued that the fees could just be passed down to tenants.
The executive director of Legal Assistance of Windsor spoke in support the project — saying that there is a "shocking" level substandard housing in the city, and a large backlog at the Landlord and Tenant board.