Windsor-area Mediterranean restaurant slammed on social media for serving halal meat
The owner posted the negative reviews on his Facebook page

A Tecumseh restaurant is under fire on social media — but not for the quality of the food or customer service.
Instead, the negative reviews are because only halal meat is offered.
Tabouli by Eddy's has been open for just a few months, but partner restaurant Eddy's Mediterranean Bistro has been open for about five years. Owner Eddy Hammoud thinks the reviews are out of line.
He posted the comments on social media because he wanted to bring the situation to light.
"It wasn't for attention, it was just to bring awareness that we need to be kind to one another," said Hammoud. "There's a way of saying things in a nice manner."
The negative reviews caught Hammoud off guard — in part because they also talk about how great the customer service and food was.
"I thought maybe this was just someone pranking me," said Hammoud. But then the review appeared on more platforms. "That's when it became not a concern, but okay what is actually going on here?"
Hammoud said he's a Muslim, but he respects every culture and religion.
One of the negative reviews states that halal meats support ISIS. Hammoud said that's not true.
"I don't know where that came from," said Hammoud. "We have nothing to do with ISIS."
He describes halal meat as being how the animal was killed, where the meat is blessed and thanks is given to the animal. Animals used for halal meat aim to cause the least harm for the animal, the blood is drained and it's also not killed in front of any other animals.
The bistro has been No. 1 on TripAdvisor for the last four years — and many of the online reviews talk about the excellent customer service Hammoud provides.
"What makes me different is I love contacting my customers, walking them to the table, making sure they're leaving happy," he said.
Hammoud, whose post on Facebook has received lots of community attention, said he's overwhelmed by the support he's been shown.
"One thing I love about Windsor is that we all support one another," said Hammoud.
He added the person who posted the review dined Monday night at the restaurant, but he hasn't reached out to the individual behind the posts because he doesn't want to make it worse by reacting in a negative way.
"He's always welcome to come back," said Hammoud. "He'll be welcome with open arms."
with files from Jonathan Pinto