WSO offering a chance to drink onstage during 71st season
Classics in the County series in Leamington will return

Classical music enthusiasts in Windsor-Essex will soon be able to sip a drink and munch a snack within arms reach of the Windsor Symphony Orchestra.
The symphony has announced a new program called Onstage at the Capital, which will feature a bar and tables onstage, as part of its 71st season.
Music Director Robert Franz debuted musical samples of the symphony's new season Thursday, which will include shows such as West Side Story in Concert, Mozart's Requiem, Fiddlin' Around featuring fiddler Caitlin Warbelow and Witches and Wizards: The Music of Harry Potter.
"We try to keep expanding the literature and expanding who we are as artists," he explained.
The WSO is also planning a return to Leamington for another instalment of the Classics in the County series which will feature performances including Simply Symphonies, The Italian Baroque and a Remembrance Day program called 1918 Remembered.

"Our goal is to double down on our efforts in the community so we are constantly building bridges and constantly making engagement with the symphony and classic music a comfortable thing to do," said Franz.
.<a href="">@WindsorSymphony</a> will be auditioning 80 singers from <a href="">#Windsor</a> and <a href="">#London</a> for West Side Story. <br><br>Here’s a sneak peak of some other music: <a href=""></a>