Windsor Symphony Orchestra to hit the road to Leamington, Chatham

The Windsor Symphony Orchestra is on the move — sort of.
It will make trips to perform for audiences in Leamington and Chatham.
Music director Robert Franz says it's important to reach out.
"We love going to Leamington. There's a core of people down there who just adore the orchestra and want to come down. Chatham just sort of opened up on a whim about a year ago. We got a call and asked to come perform a concert. We did. They really loved what we were doing. We loved them, and it sort of snowballed and grew into this."
It seems he's right about how Leamington feels:
<a href="">@TweetLeamington</a> is super excited and can't wait! <a href="">#SomethingsHappening</a> <a href=""></a>
Franz has also confirmed he's staying on as their maestro for three more years.
Here's a preview of what audiences might hear this season:
A short taste of next year's programming at WSO. <a href=""></a>