Windsor teen gives Transit Windsor a Twitter presence
Transit Windsor can't afford to fund a robust social media presence

Transit Windsor has a social media presence thanks to the handy work of a 14-year-old bus rider who saw a gaping hole in the organization's ability to communicate with passengers.
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Barely into his high school career at Vincent Massey, Aidan Gendreau rides the bus to class every day. He describes the city's transit service as "mediocre at best" and saw a need for more of a social media presence.
Nature was sure putting the WIND in Transit WINDsor tonight. We promise our busses are warmer than this cold front!
So, he launched a Twitter account called @transithelp, offering followers helpful and often funny advice.
"I wanted to just see if that would really help them because it's not very forward thinking to not engage with the youth," Gendreau told CBC Windsor Morning host Tony Doucette.
Gendreau tweets out monthly reminders to get new bus passes and he provides updates about service disruptions.
As much as you love your February bus passes, it's almost time to buy new ones! Mark the date so you don't forget
Transit Windsor officials say they would like to have a strong social media presence, but costs prevent the organization from funding one.
Staffing social media properly would cost too much, explained Pat Delmore, executive director at Transit Windsor.
"We just don't have that ability," he said. "We have a very limited level of staffing. If we do it, we want to be able to do it right."

Delmore applauds Gendreau's work on Twitter, recognizing that valuable information is often included in the messages, including news releases issued by Transit Windsor.
"He's taken this on as a passion, having a little bit of fun, but providing some information at the same time," Delmore said.