Disappointed Erie Street soccer fans to root for Canada in Italy's absence from World Cup
'I think everybody's rooting for Canada, but it's a cautious cheering.'

It's a sad start to the World Cup for Windsor's Luciano Verardi.
For the second time in eight years, Italy didn't qualify for the FIFA World Cup. Watching the soccer players run across the big screen at Gennaro's Café & Coffee Company on Erie Street, just won't be the same, he said.
However, the lifelong soccer fan said he will be rooting for Canada, who did manage to make the cut.
Canada plays its first game Wednesday afternoon.
"I am very upset because at my age to see two World Cups with no Italy makes me sad, but what are you going to do?" said Verardi.
Watch local Italian soccer fans talk about where their allegiances lie:
"I watch all the games. I don't think anybody watches games like me."
Verardi said he watches upwards of 10 soccer games every week. Although he's rooting for Canada now, Italy will always be "the best in my heart."
People inside Gennaro's Café & Coffee Company on Monday remember how busy it was when Italy won the Euro Cup two years ago. Now, they're hoping for similar excitement when Canada plays.

As a proud Italian living in Canada, Sal Albano said, "there's an emptiness" in soccer because Italy is missing the World Cup.
"If it was hockey, I would be rooting hard for Canada, but when you think about soccer, how can you not think about Italy?" Albano said.
Italy has won the World Cup four times. Although Italy's absence may have dissapointed some proud Italian soccer fans living in Canada, Albano said Canada is worth cheering for.
"I think everybody's rooting for Canada. But it's a cautious cheering because we don't have huge expectations, which might be a good thing for the club," he said.