Brian Jean 'seriously frightened' by NDP or PC victory
'If they elect an NDP majority ... we are going to have devastation in our economy'

Albertans are days away from electing a majority government that will devastate the economy, eliminate jobs by the thousands and set the province back decades.
That's the apocalyptic warning Wildrose Leader Brian Jean issued to CBC listeners Friday.
"If they elect an NDP majority which it looks like it is, then we are going to have devastation in our economy," he said. "As far as our oil and gas sector and natural resource sector will set back our province quite a ways."
"I think Albertans need to be clear, we will go through a tremendous amount of job losses."
And he said only Wildrose is positioned to prevent that.
"We have very strong rural support," he said, while pointing to respectable numbers in urban centres in southern Alberta.
Plus, Wildrose can be trusted to govern openly and competently, he said.
Albertans cannot trust the Progressive Conservatives with governing and cannot trust the NDP to govern the economy, he said.
"I am seriously frightened about either option. I think, frankly, a minority at this stage would be the best thing for Albertans."
The Wildrose has signaled to Albertans its candidates will remain true to the electorate, he said.
Jilted party members showed "true determination and grit" when they avoided a collapse following the defection of leader Danielle Smith and other top performers.
"The remaining Wildrose MLAs are the only people you can trust because they're the ones that stayed there through the tough problems when everyone thought this juggernaut by the name of Jim Prentice was going to come in and take 80 seats."
And just in case anybody gets a notion to repeat history, the party has forced all MLAs to post a $100,000 bond, which would be surrendered to the party should the offending member take the trip across the floor, he said.
The bond "shows we're the only ones you can trust."