Terry Lo resigns as Alberta Party candidate after offensive remark
Alberta Party Leader Greg Clark accepts resignation after learning about Facebook post

Alberta Party candidate Terry Lo resigned today because of a distasteful remark he made on social media.
The Calgary-Glenmore candidate stepped down after Alberta Party Leader Greg Clark learned about the remark made on Facebook, which was reportedly an offensive joke involving Jews and Catholics.
"No matter what context this joke was made in, it is unacceptable to me and to all Albertans. I have accepted Mr. Lo's resignation," said Clark in a release.

Up until November 2014, Lo was the vice-president of communications for the Calgary-Glenmore Wildrose Constituency Association. He is the father of an LGBT son, and quit after the party backtracked on a statement affirming equal rights for all.
Lo's name will remain on the ballot for Tuesday's election.
It's not the first time an offensive remark has put candidate into hot water during this election.
Wildrose Leader Brian Jean tossed out Bill Jarvis on March 30 after the Calgary-Southeast candidate made a disrespectful quip during an election photo shoot.