Golden Globes 2015: The best lines and zingers
Bill Cosby, North Korea and George versus Amal Clooney's achievements were fair game

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler hosted the 72nd Golden Globe Awards on Sunday for what may be the last time, and they certainly did not disappoint with their jokes and irreverence.
Amid the boozy atmosphere and party reputation of the Hollywood's most readily mocked show of awards season, the popular hosts tackled taboo topics in their opening monologue.
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Bill Cosby, North Korea and George Clooney's lifetime achievements compared to his new wife Amal were among just some of the jokes Fey and Poehler made, to the shock and delight of their celebrity colleagues.
But the hosts weren't the only ones delivering the zingers.
Some stars also made their own eyebrow-raising comments, while others took things down a more serious route.
Below, a list of the most memorable lines of the night.
Opening monologue
Tina Fey: "Welcome, you bunch of despicable, spoiled, minimally-talented brats. Tonight, we celebrate all the great television shows that we know and love, as well as all the movies that North Korea was OK with."
Tina Fey: "North Korea referred to The Interview as ‘absolutely intolerable’ and ‘a wanton act of terror.’ Even more amazing, not the worst review the movie got."
Amy Poehler: "Boyhood proves that there are still great roles for women over 40, as long as you get hired when you are under 40."
Tina Fey: “It took Steve Carell two hours to prepare for his role in Foxcatcher,including hair and makeup. For comparison, it took me three hours to prepare for my role tonight as human woman.”
Tina Fey: "Amal is a human rights lawyer who worked on the Enron case, was an advisor to Kofi Annan regarding Syria, and was selected for a three-person UN commission investigating rules of war violations in the Gaza Strip. So tonight, her husband is getting a lifetime achievement award."

Amy Poehler: "In Into the Woods, Cinderella runs from her prince, Rapunzel is thrown from a tower for her prince, and Sleeping Beauty just thought she was getting coffee with Bill Cosby."
Tina Fey: "I don't know if you guys saw this in the news today, but Bill Cosby has finally spoken out about the allegations against him. Cosby admitted to a reporter, [puts on a Cosby voice] 'I put the pills in the people. The people did not want the pills in them.'
Amy Poehler: "No, Tina. That's not right. That's not right. It's more like, [puts on a Cosby voice] 'I got the pills on the bathrobe and I put 'em in the people.'
Award acceptances
Maggie Gyllenhaal, accepting Best Actress in a TV miniseries for The Honourable Woman: "When I look around the room at the women who are in here and I think about the performances I’ve watched this year, what I see actually are women who are sometimes powerful, sometimes not, sometimes sexy, sometimes not, sometimes honourable, sometimes not ... that’s what I think is revolutionary, evolutionary, and that’s what’s turning me on."

Kevin Spacey, accepting Best Actor in a TV drama for House of Cards: "This is just the beginning of my revenge ... this is the eighth time I’ve been nominated. I can’t f--king believe I won."
Rapper Common, accepting Best Original Song award for Selma: "As I got to know the people of the Civil Rights movement, I realised, I am the hopeful black woman who was denied her right to vote. I am the caring white supporter killed on the front lines of freedom. I am the unarmed black kid who maybe needed a hand, but instead was given a bullet. I am the two fallen police officers murdered in the line of duty."
George Clooney, accepting Cecil B. DeMille Award: "Listen: It’s a humbling thing when you find someone to love — even better when you’ve been waiting your whole life. And when your whole life is 53 years, Amal, whatever alchemy it is that brought us together, I couldn’t be more proud to be your husband."
Award presentations
Jennifer Lopez presenting Best Actor in miniseries award: "You want me to do it? I have the nails."
Jeremy Renner, gesturing to Lopez's chest: "You got the globes, too."
Jared Leto, presenting Best Supporting Actress in a movie: "To our brothers, sisters, friends and families in France, our thoughts, our prayers, our hearts are with you tonight. On vous aime. Je suis Charlie.”