Harper Lee's will sealed by Alabama judge
Only Lee's heirs and next of kin can inspect the contents of the will, accompanying file

Famously private in life, To Kill a Mockingbird author Harper Lee is keeping her secrets even in death.
Monroe County Probate Judge Greg Norris signed an order last week to seal Lee's will from public view, according to court records available Monday.
Lawyers for Lee's personal representative and attorney, Tonja Carter, had asked for the will to remain private and Lee's heirs and relatives agreed to the request, according to the court filing.
"As the Court is no doubt aware, Ms. Lee highly valued her privacy," the lawyers wrote.
Ms. Lee left a considerable legacy for the public in her published works; it is not the public's business what private legacy she left for the beneficiaries of her will.- Lawyers for Lee's representative
"She did not wish for her private financial affairs to be matters of public discussion. Ms. Lee left a considerable legacy for the public in her published works; it is not the public's business what private legacy she left for the beneficiaries of her will."
Carter represented Lee for several years and once practiced law with the writer's sister, Alice Lee.
In a two-page order issued a week ago Monday, Morris wrote that he agreed there was a threat of public intrusion and harassment for Lee's heirs. They and Lee's next of kin have a right to inspect the contents of the will and accompanying file, but no one else does, he wrote.
The judge ordered that a label be put on the file stating, "UNDER SEAL: DO NOT ALLOW PUBLIC INSPECTION."
Lee grew up in the southwest Alabama town of Monroeville, which she partly used as inspiration for the setting of her classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird and a second book published last year, Go Set a Watchman.
After spending decades mostly in New York, Lee lived the final years of her life at an assisted-living facility not far from the old courthouse that served as a model for the set in the movie version of Mockingbird.
Lee died in her sleep on Feb. 19. She was 89.