Sales for Michelle Obama memoir top 2 million copies
Booming U.S. and Canadian hardcover, e-book and audio book sales, says publisher

Michelle Obama's Becoming is selling at a pace rarely seen for a political memoir, or any nonfiction book.
Combined hardcover, e-book and audio sales in the U.S. and Canada topped 2 million copies in the first 15 days, Crown Publishing announced Friday.
By comparison, former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton's memoir Living History needed a month to sell 1 million copies.
Former U.S. president George W. Bush's Decision Points took several weeks to reach 2 million.
Former president Bill Clinton's My Life quickly sold 1 million copies but took far longer to hit 2 million.
Becoming, which came out Nov. 13, now has 3.4 million hardcover copies in print.
The former first lady is in the midst of a promotional tour, with guests including Oprah Winfrey and Reese Witherspoon.