Back-to-back police shootings spark outrage from Beyoncé, Drake, Lena Dunham, Jesse Williams and more
'God help us': A range of famous figures respond to the killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile

Two fatal police shootings of African-American men this week have sparked widespread outrage online, including from a range of famous figures from the worlds of music, film, television and professional sports, with Beyoncé, Drake, Lena Dunham, George Takei, Olivia Wilde, and Reggie Bush.
Seriously 24 hours later another black man shot and killed dead by another cop! They said the body cameras were steps in the right direction
IF anything THIS proves why the term <a href="">#BlackLivesMatter</a> is the CRYOUT to the rest of the Planet Earth from this United States Of America.
This IS systemic. We MUST DO BETTER. My heart goes out to the families of <a href="">#AltonSterling</a> and <a href="">#PhilandoCastile</a> May they both Rest In Peace.
A Minnesota officer fatally shot a male driver during a traffic stop in Falcon Heights, a suburb of St. Paul, on Wednesday evening. A female passenger, who was accompanied by a young child, livestreamed what appears to be the immediate aftermath of the incident via Facebook.
- 'You shot four bullets into him, sir': Woman takes live video after boyfriend shot by police
- Fear, division and race in America
On Thursday, family members identified the man as Philando Castile and the woman as his girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds. The child is described in the widely shared video as her daughter.
It's like waking up in a horror film. Stop killing us. <a href="">#PhilandoCastile</a>
Listen to how frightened the cop in the <a href="">#FalconHeights</a> video sounds. Why was he issued a gun? Why was he allowed to be a policeman?
A day earlier in Louisiana, Alton Sterling was shot and killed by police outside a convenience store in Baton Rouge, where he regularly sold homemade CDs from a folding table.
- Alton Sterling shooting: A quick death, a swift federal probe
- 'Disheartened, emotional and truly scared': Canadian rapper Drake on Alton Sterling killing
The U.S. Justice Department has launched a civil rights investigation into the Sterling incident, which was also captured on video by at least two individuals on the scene.
God help us. <a href="">#FalconHeightsShooting</a> <a href=""></a>
You can't just go on with your day, you must watch this & we must face this continual outrageousness <a href="">#ALTONSTERLING</a> <a href=""></a>
"They Murdered that man. We just saw it." Thank you <a href="">@Rosenbergradio</a> <a href=""></a>
The two shootings come as police use of force against minorities is under close scrutiny. Voices are calling out for nation-wide reform and training for law enforcement.
Not ONE conviction for police murders of innocent black people. No accountability. Police reform NOW. <a href="">@potus</a> <a href=""></a>
I can't wake up to another innocent black man gone. Police reform NOW. Please <a href="">@potus</a>. <a href="">#blacklivesmatter</a> <a href="">#howmanymore</a> <a href="">#PhilandoCastille</a>
1. Alton Sterling was killed because we refuse to acknowledge the fact that our police forces protect selectively and harm enormously.
2. The job of white Americans now is to change.
1) In the interest of time, would ye noble patriots please provide a list of infractions punishable by spontaneous public execution? Thanks!
Others challenged the National Rifle Association and gun rights advocates on their lack of comment regarding given that Sterling, who police said was armed, lived in an open-carry state and Castile was a licensed gun owner who – according to his girlfriend's taped account – had alerted the officer who stopped him that he was carrying a firearm under permit as he complied with an order to produce identification.
Those who fight for the right to carry concealed weapons are surely furious about Sterling's murder, right?? NRA protests outside Police HQ?
Let's go NRA. I know y'all are for the 2nd amendment. Are you also for equal protection? <a href=""></a>
<a href="">#PhilandoCastile</a> had a permit to carry and was complying with police and still got shot! Where's outrage from gun rights advocates? <a href="">#TeamDl</a>
Some reiterated that the problem of law enforcement's excessive use of force based on racial profiling is one for all citizens — regardless of racial background — to tackle together.
It is imperative in the face of racial injustice and slaughter that people of all races speak out and decry the system. <a href="">#SilenceEqualsDeath</a>