Daniel Radcliffe, David Beckham to read first Harry Potter fantasy book
Readings are part of author J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter at Home series

Celebrities including Daniel Radcliffe, David Beckham and Dakota Fanning will take part in chapter-by-chapter readings of J.K. Rowling's first Harry Potter book.
Rowling's Wizarding World announced today on Twitter that all 17 chapters of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (released as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in the U.S.) will be read in a series of free videos and audio recordings.
The readings of the beloved fantasy story are part of the Harry Potter at Home series. Stephen Fry, Claudia Kim, Noma Dumezweni and Eddie Redmayne are expected to narrate chapters.
Radcliffe, who starred as Harry Potter in the films, kicked off the series. He read the first chapter The Boy Who Lived, which is posted online. Other videos will be posted weekly on the website. Audio-only versions will be available for free on Spotify.